On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Rua Guaramirim: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Rua Guaramirim Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping Car shop - 338mJerry Veículos Rua Hermann Weege, 2225 Phone: +55 47 3387-0075;+55 47 3387-4282 Hardware Store - 456mHennings Rua Hermann Weege, 2266 Phone: +55 47 3387-0269;+55 47 99277-1353 Email: flavio@hmaquinas.net Venda e assistência técnica de máquinas de costura industriais e domésticas shop-vacant - 355m - Rua Luiz Abry, 2425 Medical supply - 603mPomermed Rua Hermann Weege, 2416 tattoo - 704mMeraki Tattoo Studio Rua Hermann Weege, 2500 Hairdresser - 382mArt'dellas Rua Hermann Weege, 2027 Grocery - 499mHortifruti Schmitt & Goedert Rua Hermann Weege, 2316 Opening hours: Mo 11:00-20:00; Tu-Th 07:00-20:00; Fr 07:00-18:00 baby goods shop - 424mBaratão das Fraldas Rua Hermann Weege, 2271 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:30-11:00, 13:30-18:30; Sa 09:00-12:00; Su off garden centre - 669mPlantas do Vale Rua Hermann Weege, 2480 Phone: +55 47 3306-6880 beauty shop - 760mEsmalteria Slaviero Rua Hermann Weege, 2560 Phone: +55 47 99135-8908 trade shop - 395mAgropecuária Link Rua Hermann Weege, 1599 Phone: +55 47 3387-1719;+55 47 3387-1249 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-12:00, 13:30-18:30; Sa 08:00-12:00 car parts shop - 371mJosé Baterias Rua Hermann Weege, 1705 Phone: +55 47 3395-1923 Email: jewbaterias@gmail.com Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-18:00; Sa 08:00-12:00 ice cream shop - 432mAtacado de Sorvetes Eskimó Rua Hermann Weege, 1630 Phone: +55 47 99138-8741 Opening hours: Tu-Fr 13:00-19:00; Sa-Su 10:00-19:00; Mo off Clothes shop - 315mAlternativa Modas Rua Hermann Weege, 2159 Phone: +55 47 3387-0192 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:00, 13:30-19:00; Sa 08:30-12:30 Electronics - 382mEletrônica Borchardt Rua Hermann Weege, 1661 Phone: +55 47 3387-2982;+55 47 3387-3692 Email: borchardt.eletronica@gmail.com laundry - 777mToque Mágico Rua Alberto Spredemann, 320 Phone: +55 47 3304-6240Other shop-swimming_pool - 741mArtigu Piscinas Rua Hermann Weege, 2550 Phone: +55 47 3387-4037 office-insurance - 436mMega Assessoria de Seguros Rua Hermann Weege, 2271 Phone: +55 47 3394-7880 Acidente de trânsito DPVAT, acidente de trabalho, seguro particular, seguro de vida, despesas médicas, previdenciário (INSS) e assistência jurídica Ice Cream - 432mAtacado de Sorvetes Eskimó Rua Hermann Weege, 1630 Phone: +55 47 99138-8741 Opening hours: Tu-Fr 13:00-19:00; Sa-Su 10:00-19:00; Mo off Telephone - 768m - - Oi Rua Alberto Spredemann, 320 office-yes - 707mBlumen Landhaus Rua Alberto Spredemann, 329 Phone: +55 47 3387-0739 office-architect - 180mLHZ Arquitetura - Laís Heinz Rua Indaial, 122 Phone: +55 47 3380-8162;+55 47 99245-3357 Email: lhzarquitetura@gmail.com office-association - 313mAssociação Empresarial de Pomerode Rua Hermann Weege, 2121 Phone: +55 47 3387-2514;+55 47 3387-1346 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-12:00,13:30-18:00 shop-appliance - 412mRefrigeração Riegel Rua Hermann Weege, 1700 Phone: +55 47 3387-1520 Email: eletrotecnica_riegel@yahoo.com.br office-advertising_agency - 356mTecnoprint Rua Hermann Weege, 2154 Phone: +55 47 3387-4747 shop-nutrition_supplements - 372mLevel Pro Rua Hermann Weege, 1681 office-company - 483mPise Leve Rua Carlos Zeplin, 100 Phone: +55 47 3387-0251;+55 47 3387-0674 Email: piseleve@gmail.com Usinagem de peças hidráulica e pneumática, manutenção e automação industriais Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Rua Guaramirim